At 'settings_schema.json' file insert these codes that look like these lines below.
"type": "text",
"id": "link_section_2",
"label": "Link For Section 2",
"default": "\/"

As in the picture above you can see me add it on line 3885. Before adding this codes this theme not have the image link block. After adding this codes then the image link block have been shown.

The image on Section 2 can be link to any pages that you wanted too now.
How I know that it's using these codes?
- I've looked for the codes at 'link_section_1'...and more on 'settings_schema.json' file
- Copy it to Section 2.

You have to check the codes in index file too.
-I've found that Section 2 not have codes for image linking like Section 1.
-I've found that Section 3 link with Section 1 (When you click on image Section 3 then it would follow the link in Section 1 block.) so if I want Section 3 to link to the link that I inserted then I've to change the code to link to it.